Breathe in

Take a deep breath! Do you smell that?!… Yes.. that my friend, is the scent of spring just around the corner!!!

It’s true there is a sweet sense of expectation for warm bright sunny days.. new growth in shades of green, pink, purple, red, yellow and blue… The melody of birds singing.. and yes even the pitter patter of rain and the crash of thunder in the middle of a storm. With every season comes the beauty in the obvious and even the obscure hidden things.

Coming back from Master’s Commission Conference last week holds a whirl of bright beautiful things for me and for the rest of our team. So many good memories made and words of impact spoken over us. But like I said; there is beauty in the hidden things as well. Just the mere fact that it is a new season can be a hidden beauty. What do I mean by this? I was faced with my past, present and future all at once on our trip. My past in Master’s Commission as a student in Ascend Master’s Commission (Also formerly known as Rocky Mountain Master’s Commission) met with my new role as staff at Beyond Master’s Commission.   A young girl stepping into an unknown world of hundreds of other people who, like herself; newly out of school jumped into a wild and amazing lifestyle change called “DISCIPLESHIP” met a woman of God who, has tasted the bitter and sweet of choosing not to call yourself a disciple of Christ, but live it out when you feel the strength and even when everything in you wants to give up. Although those are points of past and present, the instant my future walked in was the most hidden beauty of all. Seeing Hundreds of people doing what the last three years of my life have been, made me see the importance of not letting go of the past and present beauty in order to take hold of the future. That’s the funny thing! We chase our futures, but why chase them when they aren’t running anywhere? When you realize that your future is God’s and he keeps things a wonderful secret to unfold, you gain an appreciation for where you are in that moment! Your future may not have a shape to the human eye, but it has a shape in God’s hands. That’s hope my friend!

This week our Beyond students brought it!! Chris, Andrea, and Jami preached at our Wednesday night Momentum service and they all had the power of Holy Spirit moving through their words! God’s presence was so thick in the place as they allowed God to use them! I couldn’t be more proud of them! Looking at them from where I sat, I didn’t see Master’s students in training… I saw children of God as mouth pieces for their Father. That’s no hidden beauty, it was quite openly on display!!! Obedient and willing servants!

Isaiah 61:11

The Sovereign LORD will show his justice to the nations of the world.
Everyone will praise him!
His righteousness will be like a garden in early spring,
with plants springing up everywhere.

God is showing his justice to the nations, through obedient and willing servants. I am seeing everything not through rose colored glasses, but through the roses he plants around me! Spring is on it’s way, but the roses are already here! His beauty is blooming.. do you see it? Take a deep breath! Do you smell that?! Yes… That my friend is the scent of God’s garden in early spring!!!




2 responses to “Breathe in

  1. So awesome Miss Katy. it’s an incredible Journey God takes us through in this life, with all the ups and Downs; it’s a Blessing always 🙂 You guys Rock there at “Beyond”. Keep up what you’re doin and we’ll keep prayin for y’all as we know you keep us in Your prayers.

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